Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A re-joiner

After a week on my own, I decided to re-join Weight Watchers on Saturday.

I had a lot of success with WW back in 2011-2012 before hiring my trainer and getting serious about counting calories and macros.

I thought I would be able to jump back in with the planning and tracking calories / macros but it has been too much work to keep track online, and at the end I would slack and keep a bit of a running tally in my head instead...NOT POSSIBLE any longer, something to do with sleep deprivation and working at my crazy job maybe!?

Anyway, I like the simplicity of the Points Plus system - it's easier to make quick decisions (oh boy, 12 points for ice cream? no thanks), the meetings  were a great way to refocus for the week, and the weekly weigh-in sure helped keep me accountable.

I was really surprised that I get 14 extra daily points for exclusively breastfeeding.  I will be surprised if I can actually eat that much every day and still lose.  This week, I will try the full daily points including the BF points, and maybe tweak next week depending on my results.  And, not sure if I will be eating the weekly points or not (we will see).

My weigh in day is Saturday right now.  I may go back to the Thursday night meetings but I hate to be away from Ethan more than I have to.  But our weekends are pretty sacred, and come fall, we will be CAMPING again.  I guess I could bring him along to Thursday nights...we're done by 6:30 so would still have plenty of time to get ready for bed.

So, we will see how it goes.  If I track and plan, it will work. It did before and it will again.  And I'm committed to becoming a healthier mommy!

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