Tuesday, April 13, 2010

GLEE returns...TODAY


The long awaited return of GLEE is tonight! I have been waiting 6 months - yes, 2 trimesters for all the preggos out there that talk in trimesters instead of normal time - for this thing to return and I, for one, cannot contain my excitement. (Obviously.)

So here is how my day transpires:
8am - prep for meeting
9am - meeting about scorecards
10:30am - chat with a colleague about recent trip
11:00am - respond to email and follow up items
11:30am - eat lunch
12:00pm - meeting about a proposal
1:00pm - leave for airport
3:00pm - take off for Providence, RI
5:30pm - land and get car
6:00pm - check in and settle in
6:45pm - work out (yea, Day 1 of Week 3)
9:00pm - GLEE!!!

This whole exercise was meant to illustrate that a semi-boring lame-o day can end great!

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