Monday, March 17, 2014

40 weeks + 6 days - "One"

What a difference "One" makes...

One more selfie - On Friday, March 7th - morning...started contractions (is this little guy ready yet)?

ONE more appointment - On Friday we went in to the OB for another BPP check to make sure little guy was doing ok (he was), but if he didn't arrive by Monday, March 10th we were inducing.  Luckily contractions had started, but not in earnest.  About 20-30 minutes apart and not very strong.

ONE more lunch outing - we went to Partner's Pizza buffet for a variety of salads and pizza after our OB appointment.

ONE more nap - a guilt free nap in between the 20-minute contractions for about 2 hours made the time pass quickly (and I was grateful for the rest later).

ONE more meal - we had spaghetti leftovers for dinner on Thursday night

ONE day later - Saturday, March 8th - morning...Ethan Jeffrey Hartman was born!

ONE second after he came into the world - my heart grew, my life felt complete, and I was so, so incredibly happy.

Jeff and I can't wait to share our birth story - but it's a doozy, so we will save it for another post!


Hudson said...

Congratulations! He is adorable and so happy to hear everyone is healthy and happy!!

lgroven said...

He is so cute Jess! I can't wait to hear your birth story as I get ready! My midwife says labor at home as long as possible...then come to the hospital. The question is will I make it in time and will the poor husband survive all that :)

Jessica Hartman said...

Lori - check out the birth story...we almost did not make it to the hospital and Jeff is definitely still traumatized from it!