Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Awakening

Well, to add to our super busy week, we had tickets on Saturday night
to the national tour of Spring Awakening that played at The Fox
Theatre this weekend. We had purchased the tickets back around
Christmastime when we though our lives were too boring and we needed
to get out on the town a little more.

So we did! And although initially we would have preferred to just
stay at home and catch up on our Tivo after our trip to Copenhagen
last week, I was soooo glad to go because it was amazing. Even though
it was not sold out and we heard people walked out of the Tampa
performance, the explicit sexual material was perfectly placed to
propel the story. (I blame poor attendance on Southern conservative

The story is basically a coming of age story about adolescents living
late 1800's Germany.
Look it up up on Youtube...I recommend 3 songs especially: "Mama Who
Bore Me", "The Bitch of Living", and "I Believe". Try it on!

Sent from my mobile device

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