Monday, June 22, 2015

Play Date

My friend Danielle and her little guy Ike invited us to join them at Imagine It! Children's Museum (back in February).

Ethan was not yet one and hadn't been out a ton with other kids.  Ike was definitely ready to walk and explore, while Ethan was more content to play on the ground with toys in the toddler area.  But they did have fun in the cars!

I'm totally stealing Danielle's post's photos because I didn't take any!!

Ethan really liked playing with the other babies, LOVED plunking on the piano, and played with all the toys he could.

After eating a mouthful of the touch and feel exhibit, we did discover he's still too little to play with sand.

We can't wait to go back again, and when he's a little bit older!

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