Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What is the white space for?

I have been busy.

Like, really busy.  At work.  (Not complaining though.  Seriously.  It's tough, but manageable.  Sort of.)

Let me explain...

I was asked to participate on a special project - which turned out to be manning a colleague's desk and daily responsbilities while they are working on the special project.

I am truly not complaining.  It's actually kind of fun (I really like learning new things).  It's tough, but manageable.  Sort of.  Let me explain the situation further...

Last year I volunteered for a role that has expanded into a 2-year stint.  Originally the scope of the role was a bit o' reporting and some trade shows.  This year a different vision has been set forth, which includes acting as a conduit of a bunch of activity (ie, lots more work that I had first signed up for).

Again, not complaining. It's tough, but manageable. Sort of.

It's all good stuff. 

The problem is the white space.  Or lack of it.

The white space is the "negative space" on a written page.  It exists so our eye doesn't get overwhelmed, so we can communicate clearly, so people pay attention.

All of this "other stuff" crowds out the margins on the page.  Makes the font size smaller.  Eliminates the photos.  Creeps into the white space.

And now I have no room in the margins to scribble my notes, to put things in ALL CAPS when required, and turn memories into photos.

That's good stuff too.

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