Monday, December 7, 2009

Wells Fargo, much love

I sat down to pay my bills tonight and got a panic-inducing surprise - after logging into online banking I discovered my mortgage payment had not automatically gone out on the 1st like it was supposed to.

And today's the 7th. Yikes!

I immediately called the WFHM 800 number to find out what was going on. I was super worried because for 2010 our property taxes went up (I thought we lived in the South and that meant low taxes!) and therefore our payment went up - we have been paying extra every month toward principal and I wanted to keep that nice round number of extra rolling so I changed the amount, supposedly effective January 1st.

Michael in customer service explained to me something happened on their end that made it skip the Dec payment when I changed the amount for January - nothing that was my fault but they were so grateful I caught it early! The just went ahead and processed my payment manually over the phone, no harm - no foul. And here I was worried that I was late. Ha!

I still love my mortgage lender. Thanks Wells Fargo and Michael and MeChelle!

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