Friday, June 20, 2014

Ethan's First Camping Trip!

We took 2 camping trips while I was out on maternity leave.  The first trip was to FDR State Park in Pine Mountain, GA - about 40 minutes from home.  

We have day tripped and overnight camped there many times and new it would be an ideal location to try and get our feet wet with baby.

We went April 30-May 3, when Ethan was 7-1/2 weeks old!  And he did so great.  He LOVES to be wrapped up with Mommy, and camping was the perfect time to never set him down.  

There is not a good way to put a baby that age down - we tried the Rock N Play but he wasn't super interested.  It was also a bit chilly, so getting wrapped in the Moby kept him warm too.  He never cried the whole time we were there - because what baby doesn't like getting held and carried around by Mommy all the time?!

We debuted our family camp sign addition - thanks Aunt Lois for the "& Ethan" to add to our post!!!!!!!

We mostly hung out at the campsite, but every morning around naptime, we could take a walk or do something else.  One morning, we put Ethan in the Baby Bjorn and went hiking on a super easy trail with our poles - to find the state Geocache!  Daddy did the off-roading once we got close though.  Mommy didn't feel totally comfortable climbing over rocks and roots.

We nursed exclusively while camping - it was super easy to pop into the camper, sit down at the dinette with the Boppy, and nurse for 20 minutes.  Sleeping went well too.  We set up our bassinet pad on the dining bench.  With Ethan swaddled up, he slept really well and did his customary once a night feeding.  It was really not that different than being home!

Daddy was super happy with how everything went.  Ethan wore his favorite camping outfit from Aunt Jen "Daddy's Happy Camper" with a monkey!

We had a great time!!!!!!!!!!!  And can't wait to continue this tradition.  Although - we may need a bigger camper LOL!...

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