Monday, January 27, 2014

33 Weeks - Ups and Downs

DOWN - Swelling continues. Grumpiness with my aches and pains continue. Not wanting to focus at work alternating with being totally engrossed at work continues. Sadness that the pregnancy is almost over continues (is that weird - that I WANT it to be over and DON'T want it to be over at the same time???) 

Also, having trouble breathing. Feels like asthma but think I'm just running out of room! Oh, and I'm starving all the time but if I eat more than like an apple sized portion, I have mega heartburn and want to barf.

UP - We went to Buy Buy Baby and purchased a coming-home outfit! It's one of the few outfits we've actually purchased ourselves and it's SO CUTE. We also picked up a few other "necessitites" a kit to make a mold of Peanut's foot when he's so tiny...and a few of our favorite books (Goodnight Moon, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Love You Forever, Mother Goose)...a 'first fish tank' with a fabric / plastic bowl and fish and crabs and know stuff we NEED.

(Sheesh. We don't even have the car seat yet but this was way more fun! And we're waiting for our completion coupon discount for 15% to buy that, so we're golden. Right?!)

Jeff's mom was an elementary librarian mother, and my mom was, well my mom - we both LOVED books as kids and have a tons of fond memories reading, being read to, looking at books...I guess if we have a propensity to go overboard with something, books are an ok thing to do it with? (Versus video games for a baby???)

DOWN and UP - The weather was GORGEOUS this weekend. I went to my camper like 3 times and opened the door and wished I was out in it all day...I want to ENJOY this weather!!!!!!!!!!

But I'm sure it would be way too hard to sleep in the queen bed and rough it for a weekend at this point. I really want to hike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I can barely walk from the parking lot into work without having to pee.

Or getting kicked in the pelvis-ish area. I guess I will just have to wait until May?

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