Sunday, October 6, 2013

First Trimester Scares

When we saw the positive test laying on the bathroom counter - after Jeff grinned at me and said "Did you see this?" - I didn't know what to do next.

So I slyly asked some of my friends (who happened to recently have babies) who their 'lady doctors' were, and if they liked her. (Turns out I wasn't so sly - and Jeff brought over some food in the sack that had the receipt for the 3 tests in it to one of our friends' house so they TOTALLY knew right away too, although they let us wait to tell them!)

Anyway, I called the new OB/GYN office. They asked when was your last menstrual period? I checked my app and told them. They said to wait 2 more weeks.



So we waited. And then went in at the first possible time. There was no heartbeat. They were too small to see or tell yet. Yes, I said THEY. Two sacs.

One was empty.

So in the very beginning, we had twins...but no longer.  And now, we had to wait another week to come back and see if the baby was developing into a viable fetus or not.

After an agonizing week of waiting, we went in again.  Still no heartbeat heard - but we could see the faintest flutter on the monitor.  165.  Perfect.  But they still had concerns because the baby should be a bit further along according to the calendar.  So now we had to just continue to wait and see, and get to that sacred 12-week mark.

Granted, the risks really go down once the heartbeat is detected, but I have known too many I did not let myself get fully excited - just anxious and excited.

The summer hummed along, with a spotting scare just a few short weeks after.  But - again the doctor said not to worry because it was short-lived and not volumetric.  Ok.  Keep on trucking.

We did!  With lots of resting, napping, sleeping, and grilled cheese / tomato soup combinations...we made it to 12 weeks.

And so far, things continue to go well.  I'm really happy to be in my 2nd trimester.  I feel a whole let better physically, and mentally a lot of worry has gone away.

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