Saturday, February 6, 2010

Epic Road Trip - IA

6:26 PM - Missed the "Welcome to Iowa" sign due to blogging
distraction. Jeff assures me we are here though. Ah, I just spotted
the Iowa Welcome Center sign. It's true.

6:41 PM - Carbs are out. Homemade Chex mix and Teddy Grahams from Gail
are being snacked on.

7:21 PM - Somewhere in the middle of Iowa, the GPS (named Pam) comes
out. Merely as a precaution, but she may not be that useful if she
never acquires satellites.

7;50 PM - The weather has cleared up nicely and the roads are trying
to dry up. Good-bye snowy Iowa cornfields, hello snowy Nebraska
cornfields! I can see the exit for Omaha now.

Sent from my mobile device

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