Friday, October 2, 2009


I love baseball. Not in the I-have-watched-every-game-and-know-every-stat way, but in these ways:

1. My team is the Twins, and I love them always. No matter what.

2. I enthusiastically watch the Twins play when possible although I don't see probably more than 5 or 6 entire games a season (and I bet that will change now that we're southerners). But, I could pick out the FSNorth sports announcers voices from anywhere.

3. I also love watching little kids play. And high schoolers. And college. And amateur. Any team. Any time. Softball, t-ball, or baseball.

4. Baseball games mean at least one hot dog and a Fun Dip. Who doesn't love that?

5. I will watch just about any team in person if I have tickets. And this weekend, we DO!!! To the Braves game :) Look for me on TV!

That being said, keep your eyes on the Twinkies this weekend: To earn the division outright, this weekend the Twins would have to sweep the Royals while the White Sox would need to sweep the Tigers at Comerica Park. To force a one-game tiebreaker for the division title, the Twins would have to sweep Kansas City and Detroit would have to lose two of three, or Minnesota would need to win two of three and have Chicago sweep the Tigers.

Start SING-ING...we're gonna win, Twins, we're gonna score. We're gonna win, Twins, watch that baseball soar! Crack out a home run, shout a hip-hoo-ray! CHEER FOR THE MINNESOTA TWINS TODAY!

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