Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok, seriously, I know I am delinquint posting my Vancouver pics. I blame Jeff (since he's my IT guy and it's always IT's fault. Outsourcing.).

So instead I will tell you about my super-awesome-newest-funnest-show-on-the-planet, Glee.

Picture this: hot, young, married but to evil ho's beast teacher takes over a fledgling group of glee club kids at the high school he teaches at. Said high school is also home to a nationally ranked cheer squad and competition ensues. As wel as much singing and dancing!!!!!


Jeff can attest, I caught the premiere in May after the American Idol finale. And it was watched at least 6 times this summer as it sat on the Tivo, undeleted, for 3 months. Last night was the season premiere and it was seriously awesome. White girl even sang Rihanna. It was great.

So - in summary, check it out Wednesdays on Fox at 9 EST, probably 8 CST, and for the few still in Rapid City that read my blog, you will just need to check and see what times it's on. It's right after the So You Think You Can Dance.

Wednesdays are my new favorite nights!

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