What is the better course of action - act independently, or wait for direction?
A company is usually not foolish about the recruitment and hiring process - they hire very competent people, with a lot of knowledge and experience to do a good job at whatever is put in front of them.
That being said, I don't understand why some folks wait and wait when action is needed (on both little and big things, but especially little things). Even if you don't have a distinct answer from above, why is it so scary for some to put together an actionable plan based on what you know at the time, and start working on it? Get the buy-in from the group and go forward. At least you're moving in a direction, and can change course later if needed.
I understand, there is a huge risk that comes when putting yourself out there.......but "it's not my decision to make" is not a term I ever want to hear from my directors or VP's once they have all, or most, of the facts. If it's not their decision - then get the right people involved. If those people can't give their blessing - move on to another person.
Inaction due to uncertainty is a waste of time, money, and energy. What are they waiting for? Someone else to tell them how to execute the project / fill out a document / report data and news?
There is a time and a place for both scenarios. Big, or even medium decisions, those that impact a lot of people or money or ideas, sometimes requires views of things going on that others might not have. And then it is a good thing to have say-so from other people. But for small things, waiting for someone else to have the answer is not my idea of good leadership.
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