I don't understand lots of things, but as for sports, I have a few glaring holes in my bowl of knowledge.
fantasy football. I just don't get it. I get loving your favorite team and cheering for them (I start out that way with the Vikings most years). I get drinking beer and hanging out with your pals watching "the game". I get buying the jersey and obtaining autographs and attending training camp in Mankato. But I don't get fantasy football. There is very little high-fiving involved, for a sport.
hockey. I do not know the rules, nor the points structure, nor any of the strategies involved. I have never learned it, and until we moved to Minnesota, I don't think any of my acquaintances knew anything about it either. The only thing I do know is the fight highlights on the 10:00pm news are kinda interesting.
horse racing. I did learn the term, "trifecta", when I took gambling bids at the track the summer I was 18. But I'll be darned if I can remember what it means now.
tennis. My roommate in college was a tennis superstar in high school, but I never really learned how to play (sadly, as I kind of wanted to). I think everything I have learned about scoring has been from the Wii.
soccer. See description for "hockey". Oh, but I DO know that I really like David Beckham (who doesn't?).
Ok, the point is - several people I know L-O-V-E one or more of the above items. In an effort to better understand their love, and in turn, them, I pledge to read the Wikipedia descriptions of each in the next week. Wish me luck!
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