Sunday, March 31, 2019

Ethan at 2 years 3 months (27 months)

This kid.  He's a hoot!  And so sweet.  And sensitive.

He's the kid who will tear up if his friend gets scolded.  We also hear, "Uh oh.  Elmo sad?" on Sesame Street when there's a conflict of some sort.  (He loves Sesame Street.)  It is making me a different parent than I expected - gentle corrections in behavior almost need to be presented as a game, and light hearted.  My tendency is to use a harsh tone right away but Jeff is helping me be the parent my kid needs rather than the parent I think I am...he's such a great dad and is SOOOO in tune with little buddy.

Ethan tries so hard to communicate with us but his words aren't very clear -- we all get frustrated.  Last night he kept saying "pun" "pun" at dinner.  We were having burgers but I had a salad.  With a fork.  Finally figured out he wanted a SPOON to eat his fries with, just like Mama.  Not until after a near-meltdown though!

He loves to say "I uv you" and take off running a la toddler - not as many hugs and kisses any more during the day, unless they are accompanied by a wrestle session.

He also loves to say "I got you!" and be chased, followed usually by a "Tickle Tickle" of some sort.

Music class ended for summer but he has not slowed in his love for music and dancing.  In the car, we hear "Song Song" if the radio is off, and he gets so excited when the YouTube app pops up on the TV and we watch music videos - particularly every musical number from Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 (he has his momma's taste, obviously).

He did have a slight reprieve when he went to VBS for a week - he loved "Bible Schoo" and even had a program!

Things that go are his favorite toys, and he loves to say truck, tractor, and fire truck...but isn't say "tr" and is substituting "f"...this has been going on since April or so, so we're used to the cussing and know it's just him figuring out language but occasionally adults will look at us like...did you hear that?

Favorite foods are popcorn, yogurt, goldfish, fruit snacks and dried fruit, ice cream (haha, tricky frozen greek yogurt tubes), wheat thins and cranberry goat cheese.  Typical toddler diet.  We try to make sure we keep offering other stuff...but whatever.

All in all, our house is in a happy steady-state, for now.  We have about a month or so left before it all gets turned upside down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!